Diagnosis, gender and age predict context of care provision for older adults towards the end of lifeLaura Green17 November 2020
Ineffectiveness and safety concerns of using aspirin and other NSAIDs in preventing dementiaDesiree Steele, Kesha James, Myriam Cadet22 February 2021
Involving family in discharge education: A nurse-led intervention to reduce hospital readmissions for older adults with heart failure and cognitive impairmentChristine J. McPherson27 August 2020
Supportive and palliative care services are beneficial for people affected by dementiaFrancisca-lenae Egbuna, Danita Ellison-Findings, Myriam Jean Cadet17 September 2020
Loneliness in care homes, is it a phenomenon? And what can we do to improve the situation?Patricia Schofield15 September 2020
Multifaceted falls prevention can help to reduce fall rates in high-risk and healthy community-dwelling older adultsKaren Palmer, James Hill, Andrew Clegg3 August 2020
Older people living in the community should be supported to maintain independence and social engagementEla Ury24 July 2020
Nursing staff needs leadership support to enable shared learning for team capacity in providing palliative care for persons with dementia at home or in nursing homeLillian Hung12 August 2020
Inclusion of people with dementia in research can help nurses understand how to deliver successful reminiscence interventionsKellyn Lee29 May 2020