Improved grief and symptoms of depression in bereaved siblings: promising findings from an online interventionKarl Andriessen27 June 2023
Statutory mental health services in the UK do not meet the needs of people from ethnic minority groupsManuela Barreto31 May 2023
Perceptions of the realisation of recovery-oriented principles in psychiatric hospitals are lower among service users and family members than staffMette Senneseth9 March 2023
Mental health services should acknowledge and respect refugee social and cultural values to increase update/useHamza Alduraidi22 December 2022
Oncology nurses need more education and support to help reduce suicide rates in patients with cancerBonnie McKay Harmer3 October 2022
Non-pharmacological treatments may improve cognition in mild cognitive impairmentElyse Couch3 November 2022
Risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder high among post survivors of severe COVID-19 infectionsMichael Olasoji27 July 2022
Poor mental health in the transgender and non-binary youths and its influence on healthcare practices and outcomesMagalie L Alcindor, Sarah Alvarez-Calupitan, Ruth-Anne Appleby1 June 2022