Call for culturally sensitive comprehensive cancer control programmes in the Middle Eastern countriesIman Al Hashmi, Vidya Seshan28 September 2019
Provider-level characteristics are significantly associated with the increased likelihood of mastectomy over conservative surgery among elderly women with breast cancerMahzabin Ferdous, Tanvir C Turin6 September 2019
Learning to love: shunning conventional stereotyping of giving birth to a baby with an abnormalityTracey Cooper, MBE13 June 2019
Behavioural and pharmacological interventions are more effective than no treatment for urinary incontinence outcomes in womenNicole Zhang11 July 2019
Acceptance-focused processes and self-compassion protect pregnant women from developing postpartum depressive and anxiety symptoms and improve relationships with health caregiversAsmaa Salah Eldin Mohamed Saleh12 July 2019
Preventing postpartum depression: fatigue management is a place to startCindy-Lee Dennis, Simone Vigod19 April 2019
Chronic skin disorders negatively impact women’s quality of life and sexual functionKaren McGuigan, Charles J McGuigan22 June 2019
Low-dose aspirin as a promising agent for the prevention of spontaneous preterm birthAnadeijda J E M C Landman, Martijn A Oudijk30 May 2019