Social media can adversely impact young peoples’ risk-taking behavioursJoanna Smith, Bee O'Shea14 March 2024
Remission of type 2 diabetes is achievable in primary care with intensive lifestyle interventionSophia Zoungas, Priya Sumithran8 March 2024
Step your way to a longer life: examining the relation between step counts, morbidity and mortalityKim Blond, Anders Grøntved6 July 2023
Prolonged screen time in adolescence linked to higher cardiometabolic risk in adulthoodJavaid Nauman, Abdelrahman Omara27 June 2023
Extreme temperatures are associated with increased cardiovascular mortalityDavid Barrett31 October 2023
Minimum Unit Pricing in Scotland 32 months on: evidence demonstrates a significant reduction in alcohol related deathsTamar Avades, Ashwin Dhanda27 July 2023
Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators (2022). Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysisReza Ranjbar, Mostafa Alam27 July 2023
Sources of vaccine information may have role in decreasing hesitancy among healthcare workers in UK toward receiving COVID-19 regularlySuman Pal17 March 2023
Becoming unable to afford adequate home heating is associated with increased risk of severe mental distressKimberley C O'Sullivan1 February 2023