Adhering to tobacco dependency medications requires collaborative and personalised interventions for long-term smoking cessation outcomes in adultsKate Frazer26 November 2019
Places of worship can be health promotion spaces for faith-based black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) communitiesParveen Ali17 December 2019
Pedometer-based walking interventions provide sustained increases in physical activity levels, as well as reductions in cardiovascular events and fracturesDeepali Pavagadhi, Josip Car15 November 2019
Are E-cigarettes more effective in supporting smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy?Myriam Cadet19 October 2019
Oral health should be considered when working with adults with intellectual disabilities, and larger, higher-quality studies in this area are neededJames Hill, Alison Doherty, Jayne Firestone23 October 2019
School asthma intervention programme effectively improved children’s knowledge and attitudes, and led to decreased hospital admission, length of stay and school absencesAsmaa Salah Eldin Mohamed Saleh19 August 2019
Maternal weight status before pregnancy is strongly associated with offspring weight status in childhoodRachel Cooper, Snehal M Pinto Pereira19 September 2019
Evaluation of care coordination among healthy community-dwelling older adults finds promising but minimal impactTerri Kean11 July 2019
Fragmented health and well-being services as contributing barriers in overcoming the unmet needs of a population with special needsNashit Chowdhury, Tanvir C Turin11 July 2019