Starting at the top: culture change has the potential to advance the patient participation agenda in Iranian hospitalsGeorgia Tobiano, Wendy Chaboyer17 July 2023
Strategies to integrate culturally and linguistically diverse nurses into foreign healthcare systems: it’s everybody’s businessYlona Chun Tie26 June 2023
Stigmatisation and workplace violence against healthcare workers: the need for evidence-based preventive strategiesSaifur Rahman Chowdhury17 April 2023
Build teamwork on a solid foundation: team familiarity promotes effective interprofessional collaborationMichael A Rosen17 March 2023
Perceived organisation support would buffer the impact of work frustration on burn-out among intensive care unit nursesLakshmikanthcharan Saravanabavan, Vivekananthan Poongavanam22 June 2023
One-third of nurses intend to leave their job because of the COVID-19 pandemicPamela B de Cordova, Laura Reilly12 April 2023
Competing wishes of next-of-kin versus the deceased when it comes to organ donation consentAdnan Sharif6 February 2023
Sleep deprivation provokes aberrant dynamic brain activity and memory decline among night shift nursesValentina Alfonsi26 December 2022
Patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic: learning from what goes right facilitates future safety improvementsLina Bergman, Ann-Charlotte Falk26 December 2022