Comprehensive nursing assessment of physio-psychosocial factors associated with pain, anxiety and sleep problems and their interactions may improve nursing careSumeeta Kapoor, Lynn Acheson2 March 2022
Predictors of nursing staff’s mental health and the effect of social support on preventing the impact of workplace bullying on mental healthNazanin Izadi2 March 2022
Burnout in nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: the rising need for development of evidence-based risk assessment and supportive interventionsAkhtar Ebrahimi Ghassemi25 October 2021
Understanding the wider impact of patient safety incidentsJoanne Michelle McPeake, Meghan Bateson2 March 2022
Delay in cancer treatment is associated with increased mortalityPradeep Yarra, Kishore Karri29 September 2021
Corona-phobia and work–life imbalance affected nurses’ psychological well-beingStinne Glasdam, Sigrid Stjernswärd5 January 2022
In the room where it happens: in-person or remote data collection in qualitative research?Jane Wray, David Barrett4 March 2022
Context-specific technology-based solutions may reduce the risk of preventable medication harm across healthcare settingsLynn Acheson, Sumeeta Kapoor26 July 2021
Targeting personalised leadership factors based on the organisational needs of nurses may cultivate and improve their nursing leadershipShaminder Singh, Sumeeta Kapoor18 August 2021
Patient-facing healthcare workers and their families have a higher risk of hospital admission with COVID-19 than the general populationKishore Karri, Pradeep Yarra26 May 2021